High Quality Blog/web Content
High quality , Unique and informative website content is the first and the most important to bring good readers to your blog/Website. These days competition is very high because every company/blogger knows that bad content will lead them No where , Even at Google search engine. My only advice or SEO Tip is “Write for the Readers not for the Major search engines”. Good congtent helps you in viral marketing too , building natural backLinks.
Blog Commenting is the Easiest Way to Earn a Backlink.
Blog Commenting is the easiest seo technique to increase web traffic to your blog. It helps you in getting backlink to your blog or website and it helps a lot in building relations too with the website and Blog Owners.
Forum Posting is the Best SEO Technique for developing Good relations with Other blog and Website Owners.
participating in Forums and instigating discussions on various topics or related to your product and services helps a lot in polishing your skills and developing relations with other blog or website Owners. Through forum posting you can bring targeted seo traffic plus a back-link through placing your signature while posting at Forums.
Social Media to Enhance Traffic.
Social Media Networks Helps in Generating seo traffic. A Facebook Page , a Twitter profile and profiles at the similar social media networks has become necessary. Sharing Links at social media networks gives you instant traffic and feedback , which is also important for you to develop a strategy.
Social Bookmarking to share the Content with the web World.
Social Bookmarking works as an se traffic generator , When we share links at social bookmarking sites like Digg.com , Reddit.com, StumbleUpon.com, Delicious.com and etc. We get traffic and a chance to Share content with other professionals from the same profession or field. Number of shares tells about the quality of the content. Yes its true that we search engine optimizers and social media Optimizers have the capability to manipulate the figures but By hook or By crook It help us in bringing the seo traffic.
These are the Free seo tips to Increase Blog Traffic for the High Rankings in Google Search Engine. If anyone of you readers feel that I have forgotten to add Important tips then please feel free to leave that seo / SMO tip as comment. Please Share your Experience in the field of search engine Optimization with us about How to Increase Your Blog Traffic.