Magento is the most popular and one of the most user friendly eCommerce software used by the ecommerce website development companies , recommended by the ecommece marketing experts or search engine Optimizers. We at seo traffic search always recommend magento.It is basically a free ecommerce open source platform, Our Magento development packages includes search engine Optimization absolutely free for 1 month. , worth $200.
osCommerce is also an opensource , Userfriendly , seo friendly and search engine friendly online shopping store management ecommerce software. Oscommerce ecommerce software offers cheap , affordable and ideale-commerce solution with great features and good online shopping cart functionality that allows online shopping store owners to setup, run, and maintain their ecommerce stores with minimum effort and No limitation.
Opencart is one of the best free opensource ecommerce platform to create unlimited number of product pages , categories and you can select from over twenty payment and eight shipping methods from the list. According to us It’s extremely seo friendly , user-friendly and searchenginefriendly software for online shopping stores.
ZenCart is extremely Easy to install , customise and easily Managable ecommerce software. It is basically for those who love simple things without tensions. Zencart is loaded with so many features and funtionalities like newsletter manager, discount coupons , gift certificates and other features small business owner can expect. The only minus point is Too many add-ons can spoil the simplicity and convert your store into a cluttered website.

These are the best open source eCommerce platforms we recommend and use to design & develop ecommerce websites at affordable packages with excellent web technical support and assistance 24x7.